Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Where does social media fit for the enterprise?

The ubiquity of social media indicates it is a channel which is here to stay. While Facebook campaigns and Twitter tactics can appear natural for household name brands, effective adoption in the enterprise space can be more difficult to get to grips with.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Apps Mania 3: Managing change in enterprise applications

In part 2 of Apps Mania we discussed the practical questions faced when considering the development of an enterprise application. In this final part we examine how to efficiently manage applications once they are in place.

Apps Mania 2: the building blocks of enterprise applications

Last time we took a top-level look at mobile applications, the get-rich-quick myth and the fundamental differences between applications for consumers and applications for the enterprise. In this item we examine in greater detail the practical questions which should be asked when developing an app for use in the enterprise.